How Important Is Sleep to Your Muscle Gain/ Weight loss?


Sleep is detrimental to our bodies, minds and our very lives.  Humans are so complex, even when we sleep, our brains and bodies are still busy at work repairing itself, and making us strong enough to tackle the next day.  The question we pose today is, how does sleep actually effect weight loss and muscle gain, if it does at all? 

First how much sleep is enough to profit from the much needed benefits that we will be discussing?  Scientist’s state 8hrs of sleep is what the human body needs to sufficiently revitalize itself after a long day of work.  However, we all have those people in our lives that either sleep 12 hrs  a day and are still groggy when they wake up or the exact opposite of those who sleep maybe 4 hrs a night and wake up feeling like a million bucks…..

To continue Reading and learn how detrimental sleep is to your overall health please click the link!

If you have hit a plateau in your weight training or just beginning your journey, follow me on Instagram @spartan_alliance25 or Join the Alliance on Facebook (search Spartan Alliance Fitness) and shoot me a DM for more fitness information!

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