What is Better to Lose Weight?:Cardio Vs Weight Lifting?

With both styles having such great benefits, which one should you choose?  Why not both, however once again we have to look at your goals in order to see which one you need to focus on more.  

 Cardiovascular fitness is defined as the physical work capacity of said individual, in the form of oxygen capacity per kilogram of body weight over time. In other words, it is how proficient your heart, lungs and vessels are at supplying oxygen to the necessary organs

 Weight training is defined as the physical exercise of lifting, pushing or pulling external weight, which places your muscle under tension. With the definition out of the way, the obvious reason for lifting weights is to gain muscle, become stronger and more powerful (and look good at the beach)! 

To read the full blog now, click the link and enjoy warriors!

If you have hit a plateau in your weight training or just beginning your journey, follow me on Instagram @spartan_alliance25 or Join the Alliance on Facebook (search Spartan Alliance Fitness) and shoot me a DM for more fitness information!


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