Week One of My Fasting Diet Plan

Week One of my Fasting Diet plan was the week of December 28 – January 3rd. Smack in the middle of that was New Year’s Eve. Here’s how I managed to stick mostly to my plan.

Review This Week’s Goals

The Goals of Week One of my Fasting Diet plan were to adjust my eating window to 8 hours only per day. As well as raise my awareness of calories, carbs and benefits of foods, to be informed about what I am eating. 

This is a great article I found on “informed eating”. I will keep this in mind when meal planning or after trying out a recipe. If it doesn’t make me feel good, I will eliminate it from my diet. 

Other goals not specifically related to my diet are to drink lots of clear fluids and get at least 20 min or more of exercise per day. 



To keep reading, including finding out which recipes we tried, click the link. 





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