Mental Health Resources When Someone in Your Life is Mentally Ill

Hello everyone! Today I’ve compiled a list of mental health resources so you can find information and support whenever you need it. If you have a loved one with a mental illness, taking care of them is probably your top priority. But who takes care of you if you’re occupied with someone else’s needs? I struggled to maintain my mental health for years because all of my focus was on my mom. It’s crucial to understand your own needs though, so you can be there to support your loved ones for as long as possible. Below is my list of resources that I’ve personally found to be helpful during difficult times.



A great place to start looking for information and support is NAMI. NAMI stands for National Alliance on Mental Illness. On their website, you can find several programs and educational guides about mental illnesses. They offer help for those with mental illnesses and programs for people who support someone with a mental illness. You can also search for NAMI locations close to you if you prefer in-person programs.

My family and I took advantage of a handful of NAMI’s programs. My grandma and I were regulars at one of NAMI’s weekly support groups for family members of mentally ill people. When my mom got sick, I felt completely alone because I didn’t know anyone else who was experiencing something similar. Attending this support group, I realized that mental illnesses were common and a lot of people in that group felt the exact same way I did. Joining this group was like a weight lifted off of my shoulders, I started to feel normal again.

My other grandma with bi-polar disorder and my mom attended another support group for people with mental illnesses. The weekly discussions were lead by a NAMI trained mentor who had been successfully living with a mental illness for years. Group members felt completely comfortable sharing their own experiences and looking to her for advice. It was extremely helpful for my mom to be with other people who understood her delusions and didn’t judge her.


Go check out my full blog post if you want to continue reading about my mental health resource recommendations.

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