A Break from Booze

I recently took a break from drinking. I needed to assess my relationship with drinking. I signed up with Lionrock a home-based online recovery. I had zoom mtgs 4 times weekly and tons of homework. That’s where I met my friend Terri. She’s in her 70s and lives in Florida. We  connected right away.  Her wisdom and “getting it” helped me stay on course. My goal was  to reconnect with myself since I kinda got lost in my nightly drinking habit. My plan was to slowly bring alcohol back in my life.     What 4 months sober free has done so far…cleared up my skin, lost 20lbs, liver says “thanks!”, I’m happier, relationship/friendships in a better place, more energy, better tennis game, brain fog be gone! Then Thanksgiving came. I basically lost my shit. So many triggers in just 1 week. So I got drunk. I don’t regret it. I needed it. I do hate that my family saw me like that since I was begin so good!!! And they were so proud of my sobriety.

 Kim Crawford came calling. I said to myself, “forget 2 glasses“ and drank the bottle. Thanks Kim! 🙄

My soon to be podcast with Terri is about addiction, recovery, relapse and more. My co-host Terri is sober, and I limit myself to the occasional drink. I won’t let it become who I am like it did before. I will be the boss.

  I enjoyed the four months that I was sober and have many stories to tell during that course.  Everyone needs to try it living sober free. Just take a break. Give your body, soul and mind a break.  

Our show will be fun. We will have guests on that struggle too. And we will challenge our audience to try giving up booze for 1 month and have them talk about that experience. Relapse happens. It’s raw. It’s real. Raw Recovery.  It’s a safe space to talk.  Just like here on my blog. Let’s talk! Do you want to quit? Give yourself a month.  Can an addict really drink in moderation?  Well, obviously for me Kim Crawford did me in that night. 





  1. Soul Journey
    December 1, 2020 @ 7:00 pm

    I am truly enjoying your blogs

    • Suzanne Evans
      December 1, 2020 @ 7:14 pm

      Thanks so much! Xo, Suzanne

  2. Melissa Inferrera
    December 1, 2020 @ 7:05 pm

    This is great! The last couple years I have decided to do at least 1 full month without any alcohol. I’m not a big drinker at all, but I do enjoy a glass or 2 of wine with my dinner a few times a week. But I agree. It is so good for our bodies to give it a break from certain things. Two years ago I gave up alcohol, dairy, and coffee for two months! Coffee is definitely a struggle for me to give up lol.

    • Suzanne Evans
      December 1, 2020 @ 7:13 pm

      That’s awesome!!! Good for you! It’s hard for me to give up drinking, but the 4 months begin sober and on a online recovery group helped me so much! I drink less and drinking isn’t important to me anymore. Xo, Suzanne

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