Lifetime Bookshelf

So I was recently asked in the comments of a post for a list of books I’ve read. On my main blog page, there is a tab at the top of the page for my 2020 bookshelf of books I’ve read. Here is the link:

Also, here is my Goodreads page where I update what I’m reading and what I’ve read. It goes back quite a few years! I never added what I read prior to starting my Goodreads account though. There are many classics as well as older top sellers that I’ve read they are probably not on there.


  1. Melissa Inferrera
    November 27, 2020 @ 10:15 am

  2. Will Finley
    November 27, 2020 @ 10:59 am

    Readin’ books is very exciting and especially history and blood shed and I’m on Will Finley and I’m working on two books called The Kingdom and Chronology of Zawara

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