The Right And Wrong Way

Let’s take a moment to really capture the essence of life, do you feel it? Great, lets continue this conversation. When I look at all the things I have accomplished in my 38 years, this by far is my favorite. I say this because I am able to use this as a canvas for my dreams. I took a small idea in my mind and turned it into a full fledged brand and business. Not many can say that one of their jobs is writing a blog, or hosting a podcast, that is something that makes me unique as an individual. I never thought that the words, CEO would ever be at the end of my name, but here we are. 2020 while a milestone year for different reasons, has been really good to me. It has been the year, I have reconnected with old friends and family, changed my outlook and found myself again, because I am a different version of who I lost 5 years ago. I think its all about getting to the root of the issues you once suffered from. For myself, it was stress and basically overloading my mind with things I couldn’t control.

When you are able to let that fear go it’s a step in the right direction. For instance, I am afraid of heights because of vertigo. What’s funny about that is I live in a two floor townhouse, which is sometimes higher than I would like. I worked hard to get that apartment, so faith over fear in that case. I don’t always look out the windows, but I do enjoy everything else about it. My home is my solace especially during these times, when it is our only outlet in life. Home is where the heart is, takes on a whole new meaning. I have set up an office/yoga studio, in the spare room, so that I can still create and grow mentally and spiritually. This has helped me during the weeks, when work is tough, I need to decompress and relax. The second aspect of it is the Zoom meetings and webinars and being able to connect to my friends and family from a safe space. That is also where Taaury37 was recorded and written for the first time, so it will always have a special place in my heart.

When I scroll social media, I have seen more companies that have been born out of this pandemic. That’s amazing because people are finally taking a chance on themselves, something they held back on for so long. I’m not saying you should invest millions of dollars in a company you feel unsure of, but please follow your dreams. Live your best life before you turn 80, and not regret the chances that you didn’t take. Back to the height thing for a moment: I am going to travel as I did when I was younger, even if it takes other methods. I think the fear of flying started up when 9/11 happened. Seeing people who had no idea that this was the end for them, was emotionally disturbing to be honest. Many people spoke on those fears, openly when interviewed following that tragedy. For those who went to sleep with plans and dreams in their hearts unfulfilled, I want to concur my fears. Life is a very winding road that often leads to the unknown, unless we take those dreams and make them a reality. Skydiving out of plane, taking that test, and going on that job interview is a the first baby step in that realm.

Some of the biggest successes have come out of taking a chance on yourself, something I try to do at least once a week. Support systems are often the relationships that make or break you, they tend to reign you in or let the rope slack way too much. How deep are your connections to your friend group? At times whether it be spiritual, mentally or career wise, we often need to assess who we are “close” to. If these people aren’t in your alignment, might want to take a second look at who you are confiding in. As recently as two years ago, I have cut ties with people, I once considered my “inner circle”. Reasons for that include jealousy, lack of growth, and honestly growing apart, which is the most natural reason. In turn this year, I have reconnected with my best friend, met her little boy and able to spend time with her again. In the new position I hold at work, I have also made connections and friends, that I will forever cherish. Sometimes you just need the reminder in this busy world, to slow down and still enjoy life. We can’t press pause on this year, although I’m sure many of us think about it daily, instead look at this as the year of the survival, love and growth.

Finally something that I’ve learned recently, but have always known: there is no right or wrong way to live your life. Live accordingly, you know what is in your best interest, your true calling. It’s how you learn to master it, which makes the outcome different. That saying “when you wish upon a star”, takes on a whole new dynamic. It’s not what you wish for as a reality, it’s how you approach it to make it happen. That’s means not sitting there waiting for a miracle to happen, when you aren’t even putting the effort behind it. At the end of the day, you have to dust yourself off, failures and successes and believe in YOU. Behind the tears and smiles, late nights and earlier than the farmer’s mornings, you are being reborn. The challenge with this is even when you aren’t making progress, and everything is a “what if”, you don’t shrink to something small. Rise above the circumstances and repeat after me: “ I am loved and supported, my dreams have merit and will never be too big”. If you have to say that and other affirmations everyday until you believe it truly in your heart, do it! Remember your heart feels what the mind says to it, the invisible connection, often unspoken to the untrained eye. Your breakthrough is coming, its on the horizon, and as it comes into full view, say to yourself: I never gave up, my mindset sometimes wavered but I battled on. Head and chin up, dry those tears. You are full of endless possibilities, never put limits on what is meant to be. Just keep holding on.

Take Care,


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