After School Unwind Session: “How does it feel…”

Fellow teachers, you are NOT alone! If you need your feelings validated and want to share and contribute, please read my latest blog, “After School Unwind Session: ‘How does it feel…'”

Teaching in 2020 has our emotions and anxieties all over the place. We need to be there for each other and support each other. We should NEVER have to feel alone. If this blog gives just one educator some validation, my night is made. Again, please, comment or reach out to me privately if you want to share anything that you are experiencing.


  1. Nikki Kins
    November 17, 2020 @ 3:09 pm

    OMG! I love working out to 90’s Hip Hop, but my husband makes fun of me for it. Especially when I sing “Mama Said Knock You Out” post workout 🙂
    But he listens to sports radio when he works out. I mean… how does listening to two guys talking about a coach’s play-calling gonna get you pumped up for a workout? Now, that is lame!

    • Melissa Inferrera
      November 17, 2020 @ 4:37 pm

      LOL! As much as I love 90s hip hop, I can’t pull it off if I try rapping and singing along. Nope. Don’t look tough or bad at all. It’s pretty funny. Sports radio…hmm…yea, that wouldn’t get me pumped up either!

    • Nikki Kins
      November 17, 2020 @ 7:16 pm

      Oh, I’m sure I look and sound ridiculous when I do, but that’s never stopped me before 😉

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