How to Overcome Writersblock


Writer’s block. The wall that many writers find themselves behind, no matter how big or small. It just seems to come for everyone. Some people get hopeless and give up, but there are others who try to overcome it with different techniques. 

But what are some of those techniques?

First, let’s take a bigger look at what causes writer’s block. 


Perfection can be a huge factor in experiencing writer’s block. No one has reached perfection in writing, and if you try to pursue it, it can cause you to end up hopeless. You’ll find something to change most of the time when looking back, so just ignore the urge. It’ll keep you writing, and help you keep the enthusiasm about the story. 

No Inspiration:
Sometimes, writer’s block can happen because you don’t know what to write next, or how to keep the story moving. That’s completely understandable and relatable for almost every writer! We all experience this at some point, and the best thing to do in this situation is to plan what you’re going to write next (more on this later). 

Now that we’ve got two major factors of writer’s block out of the way, let’s look at what we can do to prevent this. 

Try Writing Prompts:

The first thing you can do if you still want to write and waste no time is to try a writing prompt. Writing prompts can give you a burst of inspiration when you least expect it, and you might even be able to get inspiration for your next piece! I suggest writing one prompt a day until you feel you’re ready….

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