What is SEO? And why is SEO important?
Do you also have a blog / website, and you work hard, even after writing quality content, your blog does not rank in the search engine, do you know why this happens even after your hard work, your blog post is Google’s first SEO is not able to enter the page, there is only one reason.
Do you also want your blog / website to rank on the first page of Google, more and more visitors read your blog post, and organic traffic came to your blog / website, do you also want to make your blog a source of income? Do you also want to know what SEO is? And why is SEO important?
So guys don’t be disappointed, Urdu wave block is with you, we will teach you what SEO is? And why is SEO important? And how does it work?
Friends do not be disappointed, today you will know all the information, you will not need to watch other blogs or videos again.
Table of Contents
1.What is SEO?
2.What is the full form of SEO?
3.Why is SEO Important?
4.How does SEO work?
5.What is Search Engine?
6.How does Search Engine work?
7.What is keyword
8.keyword research
9.Types of SEO in Urdu
10.On-page SEO
11.What is On-page SEO?
12.Why is On Page SEO important?
13.How to do on-page SEO?
14.Off-page SEO
15.What is Off-page SEO?
16.Why Off-page SEO is Important?
17.How to do off-page SEO?
18.Technical SEO
19.What is Technical SEO?
20.Why Technical SEO is important?
21.How to do technical SEO?
22.What is Local SEO?
23.What is SEM?
24.Difference between SEO and SEM
25.Is SEO too hard to do?
26.How to become SEO expert?
What is SEO?
Friends, your wait is over, now you know what SEO is? Read and understand carefully.
SEO is used to rank any article or block post in the search engine,
SEO is a process for ranking any website on the search engine’s SERP (Search engine results pages).
Think if you have gone for the first time in Lahore city and you do not know which is the best hotel here, then you go to Google’s search engine and search for “best hotel in Lahore” here to understand that in Lahore There are many hotels but in front of you there will be only 10 result shows on the first page of Google and you will also visit the same 3 top results, the top 3 result is on top 3 due to SEO. Now you must understand what is SEO?
SEO is a technique through which you can bring Quality and Quantity Traffic to your website through organic medium.
Quality traffic – Quality traffic means that you will get the same visitors for whom you have created your website, and that will increase the quality of your website.
Quantity traffic- Once your website ranks on the first page through SEO, then more and more traffic comes to your website.
What is the full form of SEO?
SEO’s Full Form is Search Engine Optimization.
Why is SEO Important?
From the below point you will understand why SEO is important.
SEO is necessary to get your post on SERP (Search engine results pages) in Google search.
Any relevant keyword can be ranked by SEO in 2–4 months without money.
If you do a business and want to have more clients / leads then SEO is also necessary.
Search engine optimization is used to increase domain authority / post authority.
If you want oraganic traffic, then SEO is also very important for that.
The more traffic will come from the search engine, the more blog or website you can earn money with from Google AdSense.
Here is some research told to you so that you will understand why SEO is important
According to research by statists, the number of Internet users in Pakistan is going to be 79 million by 2025. There are 400 million blogs and more than 1.4 million people posting daily in 2020, and if you want your website in the crowd of millions or If the blog is at the forefront, then it is very important to do SEO.
After knowing the importance of SEO and knowing what SEO is? And why is SEO important? You will be curious to know how SEO works, so friends, we know how SEO reduces it? So let us know.
How does SEO work?
Before understanding how SEO works, what is the search engine, and how it works and what type of content the search engine shows at the top position in SERP (Search engine results pages), then we have to understand, here we search Google Those who understand the engine, other search engines also work in the same way. Once you understand this, what is SEO? You will understand easily.
What is Search Engine?
A search engine is a type of computer program called “search engine” by which we can search any information, the search engine shows any result in a list.
As in the example given above, “best hotel in Lahore” we search in Google’s search engine and Google search engine shows us many results in our system.
Google, bing, yahoo ext. There are many search engine programs through which we can search any information.
Google search engine is the best search engine that is used the most.
How does Search Engine work?
Google crawls the website through its crawler / spider / bots according to its algorithm, what the web page is about and through gender, the crawler goes from one website to another, if you want to crawl your website quickly. If you are, then you can submit your website in google search console.
After crawling, Google’s indexer indexes the website in its main server and when the user does any query, then Google shows the result according to its ranking algothim.
The ranking algorithm depends on search engine optimization (SEO) and only through SEO can we show our website at the top in SERP (Search engine results pages).
Now we know how any search engine works, now you have to understand SEO to rank your website or blog in any search engine. Friends, stay till the end, we will also tell you how to become SEO expert?

What is SEO? To understand, it is very important to understand these two factors “keyword research”, “The SEO it self”
Let us now know what is keyword research, but before that we have to understand what is keyword? After understanding what you are SEO? Will understand easily

what is keyword
The word or sentence that instructs the search engine is called keyword, or the query searched by typing in the search engine is called keyword, according to the example given above, “best hotel in Lahore” is the keyword.
keyword research
You have to do such keyword research according to your website on which you can rank your website, there are many tools available on Google, through which you can search keywords.
Types of SEO in Urdu
1. On-page SEO – Something to do on your website
2. Off page SEO – Something to do outside your website
3. Technical SEO – A few technical setup
What is On-page SEO?
You will understand this easily, just as you are reading this our block post, the process by which this blog post is written, and the process by which it is made SEO friendly, the same process is called On-page SEO. .
On-page SEO is done on any website or blog, suppose if you have a website and any changes to its article or website will be under On-page SEO. On-page SEO has 30% weightage on any website.
Why is On Page SEO important?
On-page SEO is very important to rank the blog posts of any website.
On-page SEO is necessary to make the block SEO friendly article.
If you want your article to be user friendly, then on-page SEO will also have to be done for it.
It is through on-page SEO that Google finds out which keyword your article is written on, and how valuable content it is for the user.
How to do on-page SEO?
To do on-page SEO, we have to follow some factors. Here are some points that you will understand, and you will be able to do on-page SEO of your website or blog.
content – The content of your blog or website should be written according to the user, write content that the user likes and get maximum value from the user.
Content of at least 800 words should be written, and you can write an article of more than 2000-3000 words, making sure that the content is not copied from anywhere.
Title tag – Write the title of your article as best as possible, which attracts the user and the user clicks on it and read your article, also insert the keyword in the title of the article.
permalink – permalink is the URL of the post, try the post URL contains keywords and the URL of the post should be short and simple.
H1, H2, H3 Tags – Your article must contain an H1 tag, then use the H2, H3 tag for other headings. Must use focus keyword in headings.
Image alt text
Use images in your article, and keep the size of the images small so that the image loads quickly while loading, must use alt text in the image.
Keyword – Write the main keyword in the URL, Meta description, Title and h1 tags, and use LSI (Latent Semantic Indexing) keyword in the article, and make the main keyword bold.
Internal link & outbound link
Use internal and outbound links to rank your blog posts.
Keyword Density – Keyword Density means how much keyword density is in your article, that is, how many times the keyword has been used, there should be 2% Keyword Density in 1000 words.
What is Off-page SEO?
As the website is worked in On-Page SEO, the work done for the ranking of the website outside of the website in Off-page SEO is called Off-page SEO i.e. all Technique of SEO in Off-page SEO. The website is outside.
Why Off-page SEO is Important?
Off-page SEO has 60% weightage to rank any website, and if you want your website to rank on the first page of Google, then it is very important to do Off-page SEO, when your off-page SEO More quality links are found on the website, then Google’s crawl can find your website quickly and it increases the ranking of your website.
How to do off-page SEO?
Off-page SEO is very easy to do, you can easily do off-page SEO. The 2 factor for Off-page SEO is 1. Backlinks 2. Social signals
Backlinks – Backlinks means linking from one website to another. Creating backlinks is very important in SEO, there are many ways to create backlinks like – guest posting, blog commenting, directory submission, bookmarking, infographic etc.
Apart from this, while making Backlinks, also note the domain authority, Spam score, relative website, total number of Backlinks requirement.
If the website you are linking to and the quality of that website is not good, then your website ranking may be affected.
There are also two types of backlinks
Do follow
No follow
Social signals- Social signals – means that your website can also be shared on social media platforms, in today’s time everyone uses social media platform and learns many things, shares ideas, then your website social media platform But it must be so that it can share your website socially to more people and more and more people can see it. twitter and linkedin is a very good social media site.
Social signals affect ranking?
Friends social signals do not have a ranking in the direct search engine, but taking social signals affects the bounce rate, if your website’s bounce rate is high then the ranking of your website goes down, then social signals will affect your website. The bounce rate can be reduced, when social signals will bring traffic to your website and share it, the bounce rate will be reduced.
What is Technical SEO?
Beginners do not know about Technical SEO, but we want to tell you today Technical SEO is an important part of SEO, in which some technical parts of your website are taken care of, although Technical Technical SEO, On-page SEO Is only part.
Why Technical SEO is important?
Technical SEO consists of 10% weightage of SEO and this 10% is also very important for your website as it includes the technical part of your website and Technical SEO is for the entire website.
How to do technical SEO?
Now we are going to tell you some such points of Technical SEO, after which the technical part of your website will be perfect.
Mobile friendly site – Keep in mind that your website is mobile friendly and can be viewed and run well on every mobile, so that the mobile user can also read your website well.
XML sitemap – For some people this term will be new but yes friends remember this is very important for the website, so if your website is new, then generate an XML sitemap of your website and for it in google search console Submit.
Page speed – Sometimes because the page speed is not correct, the visitor visits your website and goes to someone else’s website because the page speed of your website is not correct and it makes a difference on your website ranking. The speed of your website should be good. You can check the speed of your website on google page speed.
Robot.txt file
This is a type of file in which Google’s crawler does not have to crawl which page of the website.
Use https – If you want your website to be secure, then you have to convert your website from HTTP to HTTPS, for that you have to submit SSL.
Site architecture – The design of your website should be good. The more people will like your website, the more visitors will come to your website.
Friends, here are some important points of Technical SEO, so you must have understood what is Technical SEO? You must follow all these points.
What is Local SEO?
Do you have the same question in your mind, what is Local SEO, how do Local SEO do, so today we will also remove your question that what is Local SEO?
Local SEO is for local businesses residing in the Local Area.
Suppose you have a hair salon and you want people around you to search the best salon for your city on Google, then your website will come to the top and from there it reaches you by contacting you and doing Local SEO for that Will happen.
According to the example given above, when you search the “best hotel in Lahore” in the search engine, then due to Local SEO, such result show with which you can also contact and can reach it.
Local SEO Particular is done for limited area and targeted people, for Local SEO you have to create an account on google my business.
google my business is a free tool through which you can list your website on Google and come to the top by doing Local SEO.
What is SEM?
SEM (Search engine marketing) The search engine marketing that is done by Paid method to bring your website to the top on search engine is called search engine marketing. If you want to sell a product then it takes time for SEO to get organic traffic to you. If you can, then you can bring traffic to your website through search engine marketing and can sell your product easily.
In search engine marketing, google ads campaigns are run by google ads and after that your article starts to rank in the top of Google’s first page.
Difference between SEO and SEM
Organic traffic comes to your website by SEO without paying Google, SEM brings Paid traffic selected by Google to your website.
When traffic comes to the website through SEO, SEM can bring traffic to your website immediately.
Is SEO too hard to do?
Friends, this question is in the mind of everyone who has just started blogging, who has just got started with SEO, then friends we want to tell you that doing SEO is not at all difficult. SEO is a very easy way, everyone can do SEO, what is SEO? And why is SEO important? Do you know? And now what is SEO too? After knowing, SEO will not be difficult.
How to become SEO expert?
Friends, there is no rocket science to become SEO expert, the easiest way for that is that you first know what SEO is? And why is SEO important? When you know this well, you will understand SEO, then the more you practice SEO, the more you work on SEO, you will become SEO expert.

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