Taking Stress Out of Thanksgiving Day Prep

   This year I have decided that I would not stress over my holiday dinner. We will see how that goes closer to time, lol, but right now I feel pretty well in control. The most important thing on Thanksgiving Day is coming together as family and friends to give thanks for all the blessings throughout the year. That is always first and foremost in my mind, but coming a close second would be the Thanksgiving Day spread.

    So it’s Thanksgiving is a mere week away and everything you want to cook is running through your mind, and if you are like me you worry that you are going to make green bean casserole and come dinner day you end up with four green bean casseroles and no mashed potatoes. Oh the travesty. Now as you may know, I love my lists. So I have created a Thanksgiving Day Menu checklist to make sure all the major food groups are covered. 

To read the full blog post and to download my Thanksgiving Day Menu Checklist please visit my site at www.greenbriargirl.com/2020/11/taking-stress-out-of-thanksgiving-prep.html


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