Kingsly Osajie Interview- Author of Cindy and her Beautiful Bird


Kingsley is a talented, prolific, astounding, heart-based, and influential writer. He writes in all genres. A graduate of College of Education, Agbor in Delta State, Nigeria. 
Twitter: @KOsajie
Instagram: @osajiekingsley
LinkedIn: Kingsley Osajie

1. When did you first realize you wanted to be a writer?
That was when I was in high school. I wrote my first manuscript towards the final year in high school in 2005. Right from my childhood, I had always had a passion for books. I am a Bibliophile and a born Writer

2. What would you say is your interesting writing quirk?
My interesting writing quirk is my uniqueness. Plus I am quirky! I put in my own Mojo in my writings—which is why I am able to capture the attention of readers! My quirkiness is a sterling quality in me which also reflects in my writings. I am me, I have my own style

3. Where did you get the idea for this book?
Such a brainy question I must say! You see, ever since I read about America in my high school; I have grown to love America because it is a beautiful land. A great land full of opportunities! 
When I was in college, my brother bought an album by Mary Mckee (side note: Mary McKee is famous for her song Try a Little Kindness) so I began playing the songs often. Included in the songs in the album was a title called My Songbird. So I listened carefully to that track; it really caught my attention! So I was like I think I can relate this track to make a book. It did not happen overnight; it took some musing and the ideas started flowing in effortlessly and magically and then Cindy and Her Beautiful Bird was born! I was also led by Muse, Kwan Yin, Angels, and Universe to use America as a setting for my book Cindy and Her Beautiful Bird. Cindy is an American girl; on a Soul level there is nothing “skin color.” The universe, Kwan Yin, Muse, and Angels do not know “skin color.” So it should not be a surprise that a Black man is writing about a White American girl and her bird. That is Muse for you…it can take you anywhere….that is why by the inspiration from Muse, Universe, Kwan Yin, and Angels I take my readers wherever I am directed to. I do have loads of books about Africa which I am hoping to publish soon. But the point is I am an all-encompassing person. I am not tied to one particular region  

4. What was one of the most surprising things you learned in creating this book?
I learned that music is powerful. Music is the food of the Soul—and this book was born out of a song! This is now creating a ripple effect! Watch the YouTube video of my book trailer

5. If you could tell your younger writing self anything, what would it be?
“You can do this. You are on course! Keep writing!” 

6. Who are your favorite authors?
Buchi Emecheta, Cyprian Ekwensi and Charles Dickens

7. Apart from writing, what else do you enjoy doing?
I love singing, swimming/connecting with the waters’ healing energies, reading, writing, playing table tennis, and spending time in nature. I enjoy traveling and meeting people. 

8. How do you deal with writer’s block? 
I am going to sound odd. But I do not have any writer’s block. Once I get an inspiration to write a book; the verve enters into me and the next thing is I am writing. I finished my manuscript about Kwan Yin in a night! Including the typing; I have never written a book with the zeal I did with that. I hope to get it published soon. It is all about raising your vibrations. But I want to put a CAVEAT here…this does not mean that when you are physically tired you should not rest. When you are tired it makes sense to rest. I do not force myself. I may be physically tired because I am human but the verve is still there subliminally and once I take rest I bounce back to my writing. 

9. What does your ideal writing space look like?
My ideal writing space is a creative garden full of creativity, beauty, softer ambiance, muse, and inspiration.

10. What is your advice for aspiring writers? 
Keep writing. Be focused, resilient, and positively rebellious. Let your faith be bigger than your fears. Get into a Cahoot with your Higher Self, Kwan Yin, Angels, and Universe. Befriend your Spirit Guides so that they can help you succeed, live your dreams and fulfill your destiny

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