Unsaid by Asmita Rajiv


My rating: 5 out of 5 stars
Thank you to author Asmita Rajiv for a copy of this book for review.

“The only thing that matters is
how heartily we are living
the only life that we have.
Rest is nothing but filling gaps.”

This anthology was absolutely touching and amazing. Every line spoke to me, and there were places that had me crying, and others that had me hopeful. I truly believe that this anthology had something for everyone.
Filled with poems and pieces of self-worth, self-love, life, and more, I feel that the poems really put me deep in thought. Every line was filled with a truth that was beautifully written, putting you in tears or making you smile widely.

“My new mantra of life
‘If not here, where?
If not now, when?'”

I decided to include this quote because of all the thoughts in this anthology, this one gave struck me the hardest. This line really takes many points of the different pieces of writings into account, and for me personally, it gave me something to live by as well.

I would highly recommend this anthology to everybody. Whether you’ve experienced heartbreak, resistance, hesitation, or if you’ve just needed something that gave you something deeper to think about, or show you a new perspective in life, this anthology has something for you.

“The sounds of silence, melancholy and joy,
all come from the same instrument…life.
And life is unbiased.
We all get our fair share.”

Purchase Unsaid


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