Ideal Work Environments

Whether it’s a special desk in a locked office or a noisy coffee house and a pair of noise-canceling headphones, we all have our preferred environments when we sit down to write. But often the difference between our practical workspace and our ideal workspace can be vast. So, this week we turn our attention to our ideal and practical writing environments most conducive to our work. 

What is your typical writing environment when working? What do you do to make it as ideal as possible for your output?

Michael Dean Jackson: Lately the only things that seems to get me writing and stay at it until I am finished is a deadline. That, solitude and quiet. No music, no talk. Just as close to silence as I can get.

Paul McNamee: In my home office with soundtracks playing to set the mood.

Davide Mana: I’ve my PC in a very crowded room that was supposed to be the house library, but it’s more like a big book depot right now. I wish I had a more comfy chair, but it’s okay.

Eric Wirsing: My typical work environment is a minimalist desk at home with a laptop and tablet with speech to text. I fix myself two beverages at the start of the day — one glass of iced tea and the other iced coffee.

Tamara Lowery: I’ve been writing during work breaks and downtime for well over a decade. At home, there are too many legitimate demands for my attention to get any writing or editing done. I have to nearly DEMAND time to work on anything book-related at home. I LOVE having Word on my phone.

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