Tipsy Tuesday – So You Want to Research Your Family History, Tips for Beginners

So, you decided that you want to research your family history, but where is the starting point? With so many ways to research online now it can be overwhelming for anyone. Have no fear though, in this post we will start at the most basic beginning for the genealogy novice. This step by step guide will help steer you in the right direction for your research.


The first thing you need to do is close the laptop. Yep, you heard me, there is no search engine in the first steps of family history. Before you step into the world wide web of family research you need to do some old fashioned detective work.

Start with your family. Ask them everything they know or think they know. See if anyone has an old family Bible with names and birthdates written in them. When I started my research I asked my grandma to think back to all of her relatives, and though she didn’t know dates or even maiden names of the women, she gave me enough information to begin my search.

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