Mystery Monday – Mineral Creek Chapter One

For Mystery Monday I decided to share with you a chapter of my book, Mineral Creek. Each Monday I will post a new chapter for you to enjoy. If the waiting is too hard then click here to visit my book on Amazon.

She was all alone. As dirt slowly covered the last of her family, Ella Mattox felt a deep despair and loneliness. In the last ten years, she had lost her only sister, her mother, and now her father. The funeral had been a dismal affair. Since her sister’s death, her family had moved from their hometown and kept to themselves so there were no friends to share in her sorrow. No shoulder she could weep on, her grief was hers alone.

Sighing deeply, she left the cemetery and headed back to the boarding house she called home. It was a small apartment but that was all her meager teacher’s salary could afford. Her father had been unable to work the past two years so the burden of paying the bills and keeping them fed had fallen on her shoulders. In truth, when her mother had passed away she had lost her father too. All the losses had been too much for him to handle and his mind had slowly begun to slip away.

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