Life isn’t all that it seems

I remember a time when life was all that it was. Innocent, beautiful, wanting to be cherished to the fullest. But now the scars that it gave speaks the contrary. They are sinked in too deep to even believe the slightest, that life was as it was before. Everything seems so small and frivolous and takes away the soul meaning of the life that I once yearned to live for. Reminiscence and nostalgia is all well and good, but what good does that do when all that it brings is hurt, pain and vulnerability. The things that once overjoyed me doesn’t interest me anymore. Things that were my once my top priorities aren’t even in the list anymore. Things that were once a part of my life aren’t anymore. The ones I thought I’d die for aren’t worth it anymore. The house that I grew up, the stairs I went up and played, the lane that I learnt to ride a bike,the playground that I fell and broke my hand, the halls that I wanted thinking I’m going to conquer the world, all of these seem so deranged and spiritless now. My present self would probably laugh at my gullible little past self for being so naive and at the same time feel sorry for believing the best out of this world. Rainbows and unicorns and life being all of those shits is just a pretence and a facade. And hiding behind were the true demons and devils waiting to haunt us for the rest of our lives. A great man once said, “What some would call evil, I believe to be an appropriate response to a harsh and unfair world”. And that is what it is. A fair truth in the unfair world. Let’s face it. Adulting is hard and life fucking sucks. Deal with it.

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