N*ggas Be Lying

As I navigate through dating, one of the key things I find impossible to understand is the need for men to lie! Like it is one of my greatest pet peeves like my BIGGEST. Now before we go further I’ll say this, I lie all the time (like all the time). Small little stupid lies too, the “yea imma come see you” “oh I was sleeping” and my personal fave “I want to but I got my period smh”. BUT, when it comes to actually forming a relationship (from fuck buddies to potential life partners) I like to put everything on the table. I am the type of person that requires reassurance, so to avoid this annoying trait about myself I like to enter honest and forthcoming relationships which negates me having to ask questions and being constantly reassured (problem solved right?). But no. No matter how upfront you try to be your still met with men who clearly can’t resist the urge.


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