Granny Grammarian: The “Self”-Aware Writer

by Granny Grammarian

Primum Verbum Specta: First, look at the verb.

So many issues of grammar can be resolved with this simple rule coined by extraordinarius latinus magistra Penelope Cipelone. Find the verb; then find the subject of that verb; then figure out what that subject is doing to the other elements in the sentence to make sure they all fall into their proper place.

A recent poll of writers (and readers who care about such things) listed the grammatical nails-on-a-chalkboard errors they loathe the most. Some went so far to say they would hurl a book into the trash can (dustbin, if you’re English) when they found such errors. I couldn’t help noticing how many of those mistakes were a simple case of ignoring the verb.

I’ll start with one of my own pet grammatical peeves: myself.

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