Managing Your Writing Time During the Holidays

If you’ve been writing for any length of time, you know already how difficult it can be to create those magical blocks of time to commit to the actual task of sitting in front of the keyboard and writing. Particularly if you don’t do it full-time, and you have to eke out moments of uninterrupted keyboard (or notepad for you Luddites) time.

But then.


B. A. Freakin’ M.

Your writing train gets stopped cold by a herd of reindeer that won’t move from the tracks. It’s the holidays.

And all that little bit of leftover time for creating worlds and heroes and lovers and dragons and magic and dreams suddenly fills up with family events, shopping for gifts, and what feels like a million other things. And what’s worse, it’s time taken up by good things, so you can feel guilty about still wanting that time with the imaginary when there are so many, once a year good things that need doing. After all, you can get back the desk after New Year’s Day, right? That’s what resolutions are for, you know.

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