Ricky Ruszin: People Are the Real Monsters

During the day Ricky Ruszin is an elementary school educator. At night he’s a writer. Kind of like Batman, except he doesn’t fight crime. 

Tell us a bit about your latest work.

My upcoming book Showtime is a suspense thriller about a college student who learns that his grandparents’ television allows him to travel to the past. Once he makes that discovery, he uses it to travel back in time to try and stop the perpetrator of the talent show massacre that claimed his grandmother’s life. So, you know, it’s a real feel-good story.

What happened in your life that prompted you to become a writer?

I went to a career advisor and said, “What career can I try that’s incredibly difficult, solitary, and leaves my financial future uncertain?” And voila! I became a writer.


I started writing fiction in high school and later focused on it in college where I earned my BA in English Language and Literature. I wrote my first novel that summer, teaching myself as I went, and have been writing since.

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