Mystery Monday – Mineral Creek Chapter Four

Ella held her breath as she waited for Johnny to reply. She hoped he would help her and didn’t think her theory was too far-fetched. She believed with every ounce of her being that Elsie and her sister’s death are somehow related.

“Ok Ella, I can see that this is important to you so I will help you do some research. What do you suggest we do first?”

“I think we need to look into this teacher that Elsie was seeing. Find out if he’s still in town and if he’s not, when did he leave and how was his reputation around Mineral Creek.”

“That sounds like a good place to start. What was this guy’s name again?”

“His name is Mathew Rogers. He was a bit older than Elsie so he would be about 35 now. He was new in town. He got the teaching job after he moved here from Guthrie.”

“That’s some good information to go on. I’m friends with the superintendent so I should be able to ask him anything we will need to know.”

“I think I’m going to talk to Miss Patty again. She acted strange earlier when I told her I was digging into the death of Anna. She was the one who told me to visit her grave. She must know something but she’s too afraid to talk about it and then she closed up the library early. She had to know that I would be back with more questions after seeing the engraving on Anna’s headstone.”

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