Teel James Glenn and the Wonderful Balderdash

Teel James Glenn is one of those folks who has done about everything creative. I mean, the dude has all the following in his CV: Author, Actor, Stuntman, Stunt Choreography. So, take a like like that, dump into out of his brain and into a word processor, and what you get is some of the finest fiction out today. So, it was only right that he got his time in the hot seat here at the blog. 

What would be your dream project?

That is so hard to answer— there are so many of the literary icons that inspired me that I once dreamed of writing—Conan, Tarzan, John Carter, The Phantom, Zorro, Doc Savage—but they are now being written by others. Somehow that makes them less of a dream (but yes—I would still jump at the chance—lol).

My fantasy series The Chronicles of Altiva is finally coming into print again after a long hiatus and in many ways, they have been where my heart lies…

What writers have influenced your style and technique?

The ’trinity is Edgar Rice Burroughs, Lester Dent (Doc Savage), Robert E. Howard. But close on them are Peter O’Donnell, Mickey Spillane, Dashiel Hammett, Richard Matheson, and Poe were all there for me and stay with me still…

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