Robert Krog — Why Shouldn’t I Write Them Too?

Robert Krog is my nemesis. Don’t ask because neither of us really know why. It just started as a “Khaaaaaan!” gag (“Krooooooog!”) at a con and it just stuck. That’s how awesome a person my nemesis is. But he’s also a truly gifted writer of the first rate. Seriously. 


Tell us a bit about your latest work.

I just finished a novel, titled Shank, for Chris Kennedy Publishing. It’s in their new imprint, Hit World, which is an alternate reality in which murder for hire is legal. Gordon Shaw, nicknamed “Shank,” is a shooter, a professional hitman working for Life Enders Inc. He’s a little bored, very confident, and looking for a challenge. He eventually gets one. The novel also follows a few characters connected to Shaw’s story by being either his victims or their family members; a broke college student short on morals, a housewife with a magical gift for keeping others from harm, a writer with an invisible friend, and so on.

Hit World is an interesting concept, containing elements of Noir, Fantasy, and Science Fiction. I’m grateful to fellow writers William Alan Webb and Larry Hoy for letting me participate in it.  Shank will be my first published novel. 

What happened in your life that prompted you to become a writer?

I was in middle school, reading a lot, and starting to get a little cocky in my opinions. I read some pretty boring stories in a language arts class and told myself, “I could write a better story than that.” The idea took hold of me. I loved reading. I loved thinking about stories. Most of the playing I did with my friends involved a childish version of what is now called Live Action Role Playing. I was acting out stories. Why shouldn’t I write them too?

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