John French — The Replication of Results

John French is a retired crime scene supervisor with forty years’ experience. He has seen more than his share of murders, shootings, and serious assaults. As a break from the realities of his job, he started writing science fiction, pulp, horror, fantasy, and, of course, crime fiction.

Tell us a bit about your latest work.

My latest book is When the Moon Shines. It’s published by Systema Paradoxa, an imprint of eSpec Books. It’s the first in a series of novellas each featuring different cryptids. Mine takes place during the Prohibition era and features two Maryland cryptids – the snallygaster and the dwayyo that are drawn into a gang war. 

What happened in your life that prompted you to become a writer?

I had good teachers in high school who taught me to appreciate literature and exposed me to all sorts of stories including science fiction, mystery, and horror. From this I learned to appreciate Doyle, Poe, Bradbury. This carried over into college. But it wasn’t until I had been a crime scene investigator for the Baltimore Police Department for quite a few years that I came up with an idea for, what else, a crime story that I started to write. Once I had a few stories published I found I couldn’t stop.

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