Ron Fortier — Of Course It’s an Art

Ron Fortier is the Cap’n. I’m proud to call him editor, publisher, and friend. He’s 1/2 of the brains and brawn behind Airship 27 Productions, and a damn fine writer and purveyor of pulp pulchritudes. 

Tell us a bit about your latest work. 

Considering I usually have three to four things in the fire at the same time, that simple question could be overly long. So let’s Reader’s Digest it. Comics-wise, I’ve just finished writing a 108-pg Black Bat graphic novel which artist Mike Belcher is drawing and will self-publish when finished. Pulp-wise, I’m in the middle of a new novel that will be a prequel to my Brother Bones series. And I recently finished a short story for Tommy Hancock’s tribute book for our late dear friend, Derrick Ferguson.

What happened in your life that prompted you to become a writer? 

Comics happened. My Dad started giving me comics when I was all of five years old. I couldn’t even read, but I sure could follow the pictures. From that I got a sense of narrative and then by the time I could read, it was all I ever wanted to do. Ergo, it only became natural for me to get the bug and want to tell my own stories.

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