Daniel Emery Taylor: It’s the ADHD

We’re going to change things up a bit for this writer interview. We’re going to talk with Daniel Emery Taylor, an indie movie producer and scriptwriter. He’s still a hardcore genre writer (horror being both a genre and hardcore), albeit in a different format. 

Plus, he’s just a straight-up, awesome guy and he worked with Heather Locklear (which is definitely a plus). 

Tell us a bit about your latest work.

If you mean actual, completed work that has been brought to fruition, my film It’s Just A Game is currently available to view on most of your favorite streaming platforms. It is your standard “bullied girl wishes her tormentor was dead and then gets kidnapped by a theatre cult who wants to use her body to summon the spirit of an ancient witch” tale. Because there are so many of those, right? In all seriousness, I wanted to try to meld different elements together to create a new genre of scary movie – part slasher, part home invasion, part supernatural thriller, part cult horror – a unique film experience. Constructing a linear narrative was not necessarily my prime objective. I just wanted to evoke emotions. Most of the reviews have been very kind, though many of them say something like “I have no idea what was going on but I couldn’t stop watching!” And, honestly, I consider that high praise. I’ve said the same thing about some of my favorite Fulci films.

What happened in your life that prompted you to become a writer?

I suffer from maladaptive daydreaming – I have entire universes in my head and they all demand an exorbitant amount of attention. The only way to exorcise them is to get them out onto the page. I’m being somewhat tongue in cheek, of course, but that isn’t too far from the truth. I have always had an overactive imagination and a desire to bring these imaginary people to life via storytelling. I have been writing stories, and later scripts, since the second grade.

What inspires you to write?

Anything. Everything. I know that sounds like a cop out but it’s true. Sometimes I will think of something – a scene, a striking visual, a horrific death, whatever – and then my brain immediately goes to work filling in the rest of the story. I could get a random flash of a visual in my head – a beautiful woman, standing on her balcony, staring down at a swirling black fog below. Who is she? Why is she there? What is in the fog? It goes from there. Every story I write begins with the visuals. The story fills in around them.

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