The Mysterious Worlds of Mark Allen Vann

Mark Allen Vann is a writer I recently discovered. I figured in the spirit of “share and share alike” I should introduce him to you as well.

Tell us a bit about your latest work.

Currently I am in the process of finishing up the editing process for the sequel to my first Anthology, Eight Against The Darkness. This book is entitled The Fateful Eight and I hope to have it ready for release by late April or early May. Like my first book it will be made available through my own Xepico Press publishing label.

What happened in your life that prompted you to become a writer?

As far back as I can recall I was told that I had an over-active imagination and was told that I should write. I have dabbled in writing for many years, it just took this long to finally take it seriously enough to listen.

What inspires you to write?

It is a mixture of everything I read or watch on television naturally, but also just wanting to share the strangeness that comes out of my head as well. More than one of my stories started out as a dream I had. Even some daily life circumstances have inspired or influenced my writing.

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