Tamara Lowery and the Waves of Darkness

I can’t remember which convention I was attending when I met Tamary Lowery, but I can tell you it wasn’t the last we’d attend together. She’s such a stalwart on the convention scene that no doubt most of my blog readers have probably already met her themselves. Still, for those of you who need to re-ignite your acquaintanceship with her or meet her for the first time, this one’s for you. 

Tell us about your latest work. 

There are 2, currently. I recently finished the first draft of Hunting the Dragon, book 8 in the Waves of Darkness series and first book in the second story arc for the series. The first 7 books comprised the Sisters of Power arc. While they have been out of publication since I broke with my publisher, Gypsy Shadow Publishing, the rights were immediately reverted to me. I’m in the process of revising and reformatting them for self publication. 

As for book 8: it picks up with the final events of book 7,  Maelstrom of Fate, and starts the Daughters of the Dragon arc, which will also take place over 7 books. 

The other recent work is artistic in nature. I was commissioned to do the face card portraits for a 5 suit Dragon Poker game. This is a companion game for an authorized Dragonriders of Pern LARP available from Antiquarian Boardgames. 

What happened in your life to prompt you to become a writer?

It was a natural offshoot of my need to be creative. I love to read, and, like so many others, loved to create my own fanfic in my head  …decades before the internet existed. While my original career choice was to become a journalist, I eventually decided to become an honest liar instead and write fiction. The tools and access afforded by the internet led me to finally go for it. 

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