Break Your Facebook Habit – In 3 Simple Steps

I have nothing against Facebook as a whole, I think it has amazing potential. It can connect you with like-minded people and allows you to keep in touch with those you may have normally lost touch with

The problem I personally faced was negativity and division. I tried to flood my feed with positivity by joining multiple groups about topics I am passionate about. I attempted to remove the negativity by leaving groups, pages, and unfollowing people.

No matter what tweaks I made, I still found that whenever I went on it would ruin my otherwise happy mood.


So I decided to make a change. I moved on to a few other forms of social media where I could surround myself with positivity and my passions (which is great for your mental health). I didn’t want to fully cut myself off from the world after all.


This shift was exactly what I needed to help improve my mental health.


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