Writing in the Time of Covid (Not to Be Confused with Love in the Time of Cholera)


Living with Covid-19 has changed a lot of things. We can just file that statement under “Things Captain Obvious would say.” For writers, it has changed the way we interact with fans, publishers, and other writers. 

Gone are the conventions. Now they’re super spreader events we aim to avoid. Gone are the “regular days” without spouses and kids at home when we might normal write. 

For a look at some of the specifics, I turns to three of my fave indie writers, Nancy Hansen, Bill Craig, and Jenny Reed. 

How have the changes that Covid brought to gathering and going places changed your writing routine (if at all)?

Nancy Hansen: Honestly, it really didn’t change much for me. I write at home at least 5 days a week as it is anyway. Sometimes more. When I couldn’t see the extended family, we kept in touch via cell phone and the camera on my tablet, and I used whatever extra time I had to get in more writing. Since I’m now somewhat disabled, I’m used to being home most of the time, so that doesn’t faze me. I blogged a little more consistently. Overall; life went on.

Bill Craig: I jumped to a totally new genre for what will be my first book of 2021. Ravens Hollow is a horror novel set in a pre-covid world.

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