Through the Wire

How often do you ask yourself if your a good friend? We all have our general ideas of friendship and what it consists of, but how many of us are actually a “good” friend. I’m not. At least I don’t think I am all the time, my true friends might tell you otherwise (or so I hope lol). As we get older our general ideas of friendships become deeper. We go from wanting to surround ourselves with meaningless and temporary relationships based on convenience and time (not obvious in the moment), to cherishing and embracing lifelong, genuine friends. I saw a saying that stated, “As we get older, we don’t lose friends. We just find out who the real ones are”. I strongly agree. I also believe that your circle changes or the value of these friendships “depreciates” as you become reliant on them to facilitate important moments in your life, which some friends are unable to wholeheartedly support or subconsciously have zero desire to.

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