Sis, You Don’t Deserve that Man!

Treat looking for a partner like you do everything else. When your looking for an apartment, you have a budget right. You want a luxury apartment, but do you have luxury money? Can you maintain this type of luxury beyond a five-month period? Can you furnish it with pieces that create a home? And if your budget isn’t luxury, shouldn’t you wait until you have the capital to get what you truly want or would you rather settle for what you can afford??? This same methodology can be used when looking for a man! Can you afford him? Can he afford you? Can he maintain you spiritually, mentally and physically? Can you do the same? Can you continuously fulfill each others needs? If you can’t answer these questions or don’t have the ability to, then maybe you aren’t ready to find your “perfect” man. Stray away from the societal norms and figure what you need for yourself (just YOU). Once you look outside of a man’s image (which is usually CAP) and dig a little more into the person your seeking to be with you’ll realize that your wants and needs change. Anyone can gain capital. Anyone can get a nice car and designer clothes. Not everyone is grounded, a self-starter, empathic, posse’s adequate communication skills, is selfless or compassionate and these are just the basics. Any beautiful home you see, started with a strong foundation. Build your requirements around your foundation and worry about the aesthetics later (not saying be with ugly Tim from down the street just because he’s nice).

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