What’s Going On?

This past year was horrible. On that, we can all agree. What we should also be able to agree on is that there have been many, MANY horrible years throughout human history. But something about the way last year went down doesn’t sit well with me.

As you all know by now, I try not to get political on my blog. Occasionally, something will irk me enough to reveal my ideological leanings, but for the most part, I try to keep it all off my blog. But are we seriously going to pretend this past year was just a bad year and nothing more was going on behind the scenes? Seriously?!

I have a couple of relatives that are not right-wing nut jobs, but definitely not moderate either. They abide somewhere in the middle of the right end of the political spectrum.

They are the type to always forward some conspiracy chain email with the hope that, somehow, they’re going to help me see the “truth.” And virtually every time, I’ve found what they’ve sent to be complete garbage. At first glance, when they sent me something about the “Great Reset,” I of course deleted it without more than a two or three-line glance at the article. But then something happened. That something was 2020.


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