How Long Should You Rest Between Sets?

strength training, exercise

Before we deep dive into how long we need to rest and for what type of training we need to rest for, let’s look at what happens to your body while you rest. Once that last rep is up and comes crashing down your body is forming lactic acid within the muscle throughout the workout. When we rest it causes the body to improve the capability to buffer the amassing lactate, which increases your bodies ability to tolerate moderate and or maximal output during exercise. In simpler words, when you rest, your muscles recover enough for you to push more weight over a specific time period. Like stated before, rest times are often over looked for the actual exercise, however rest times can literally improve your training regiment immensely.


Actually to be exact the rest time should be no more than a minute and no less than a minute. The reason is because if you go over a minute that can compromise metabolic features within your body and potentially decrease muscle growth.


To read more on How Long You Should Rest Between Workouts (click the link)

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