Taking a Hobby to the Next Level

Ever since I was little, I have been fascinated by history. I was lucky growing up. I had my grandparents living right next door and one set of great grandparents across the road. My other great grandfather was only a fifteen-minute drive away however, I don’t remember too much about him. I have a picture with my great-grandmother holding me as a baby. Unfortunately, she passed away when I was still too young to know her.

My grandma has numerous photo albums, and I remember when I was young, I would go into the spare bedroom and drag them out and look at all the old photos. My love of history came from the stories of those pages. I had to know about everyone in there. What was their life like? Whatever happened to Uncle Clarence? What caused them to move from one state to another? These were questions that burned inside of me.
I began searching for my ancestral roots by the time I was eighteen. The hobby soon turned into an addiction. It has been twenty years since I started searching for our family history and, the passion has yet to dim.


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