Schools Out Forever?

Lame attempt at some Alice Cooper humor… I know. But part of me is starting to think this song is somewhat prophetic. I don’t usually write about much outside of the tech world, but in this case, that world overlaps with education and unfortunately, politics. So… here I go.

There is still talk of keeping schools closed down in many, if not most, communities around the country. And this is despite the CDC scaling back original recommendations and saying that in-person learning is okay. I’m no conspiracy theorist, and I’m not even crying conspiracy here, but I feel I have to share my confusion. We’re all confused as the Coronavirus data evolves and recommendations keep changing along with the messaging. But here’s where I’m stuck. Most kids get the flu shot at the start of every flu season. Still, the flu is way more harmful to children than Covid-19. Yet, we’ve never talked of shutting down schools on such a large scale. Ever! Sure, from time to time, and under extreme circumstances, a district or two might shut for a couple of weeks to stop the spread of an aggressive flu strand. But that…

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