Preschool Homeschooling 101: Pre-K Sight Words

Homeschooling a five-year-old can be a very daunting task, especially if your five-year-old is anything like mine. Sam is a smart little boy, but he is still just a little boy. Trying to find the same structure he would have in a classroom in our home can be a bit difficult. If there are not three other little kids drawing his attention away from his work, then it is something else that demands his focus.

    We are still working on ways to become more focused on his schoolwork. It has been a trial and error process, and what works for Sam may not work for the next child. When people ask me the best methods of keeping your child focused on their schoolwork, my suggestion is to work with your child and find the best rhythm that works for them. When my daughter did her homework, she couldn’t do anything unless the television was on. Some people would find that to be a total distraction, but not for her. I know it may seem daunting, but once you find the right working conditions for your child, you will find it will become easier…

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