A Framework for Workplace Diversity

People bring their own knowledge and skills to an environment, and how they acquire it will differ from you.  Diverse backgrounds help bring a new way of thinking, which leads to innovation, creativity and higher levels of productivity.  Do a quick Google search and you will see the evidence is overwhelming.

I have had the privilege of being part of a division that started a PMO office.  We had a good start, but we needed some fresh project management energy.  Our Diversity Division had a program bringing new immigrants to get experience and we got a PM from Nigeria.  He was phenomenal and the way he thought was different.  Actually, the word is refreshing.

Build the Framework

This framework covers 3 areas, Representation, Inclusion and Belonging.  Every organization is different and a framework allows for some flexibility.


To read more, visit my blog at www.aslife.ca/diversity


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