Walking Virtual Meeting

Virtual meetings aren’t going to stop now, the way we do meetings has changed.  As a technology leader, I am excited for this change, this was overdue.  The next level of leaders will be able to lead staff that are in the office and home.


The thing we need to be mindful of is people sitting and staring at their screens all day. We need to get people moving more.


Virtual Walking Meeting.  With staff at work and at home, replace those virtual meetings with this simple approach. Engage those work from home team members!


1. Pick a meeting type that doesn’t require visuals or a lot of notes. Team Discussions are great option.

2. Have people log into the virtual meeting on their phones.

3. Turn off video.  We used to do phone calls without video, so we don’t always need to see people.

4. Have the team put on headphones and dress up for a walk outside.

5. Limit this style of meeting to 30 to 60min max.

6. Start walking and have yourself a walking virtual meeting.



1. Get people moving and away from their screens.  Team members will get burnt out if they don’t take a break.

2. Get some sun and much needed fresh air.

3. Your leadership efforts will not be forgotten.  Remember, you don’t need to be a ‘manager’ to suggest it. You are a leader, go for it!

4. You will increase employee engagement and retain employees. People will know you care for their well-being.


There is a lot of content on how to have an effective meeting. Ensure you stay on topic and send a follow up message to all meeting participants on what the action items were (if any).

Try it and leave comments below on how it worked.  I have recommended this at several virtual speaking events, and it has been well received.



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