Mental Health Meets Reproductive Health

Hey everybody and happy New Year! A big thank you to Sydney for being the next entry of Birds of a Feather! Sydney’s entry focuses on the connection between mental health and premenstrual symptoms. I thought this entry would be great, especially since January is Mental Wellness Month! Health isn’t simply just physical or mental, but more so a combination of psychological, physical, and social factors. Therefore, we gotta make sure everything is right before we take flight! (Okay y’all that was off the dome, BARS!) Again, thank you Syd so much for writing this lovely entry! If y’all love her work, please go fly over to her blog that is linked at the end of this entry. ~ Cheyenne

Let’s dive into premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD). If you are familiar with premenstrual syndrome (PMS), PMDD is an intensified version of that. PMS is a group of symptoms people who menstruate experience before their period starts. Symptoms usually include bloating, fatigue, mood swings, acne, nausea, etc. And by the way, the term premenstrual syndrome shouldn’t be used anymore. In my opinion, calling it a “syndrome” is misleading. The word makes it seem like it’s uncommon when over 90% of the women on this planet experience it before every period…

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