traffic to a blog


How to bring traffic to a blog?


If you have created a new blog on your own, then in the initial days you do not get traffic i.e. visitors on your blog and this is the biggest problem of the new Blogger. Because of this, a lot of bloggers quit.

Today i will tell you how to bring traffic to a new blog? In this post I am going to tell you 10 tremendous ways, using which you can bring a lot of traffic to your blog. So, you should read this post carefully:

Table of contents

10 ways to bring traffic to a new blog

1. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

2. How to bring traffic to your blog with Guest Post?

3. How to drive traffic to your blog with backlinks?

4. Write Interesting Articles | Write compelling text

5. How to get traffic to blog from Pinterest?

6. How to bring traffic from Quora to the blog?

7. How to get traffic from Facebook to Blog?

8. How to bring traffic to blog from WhatsApp?

9. How to bring traffic to blog from Twitter?

10. How to get traffic from YouTube to blog?


When you start a new blog, you do not have the knowledge of Search Engine Optimization and there are some more technical terms, due to which you are not able to rank your blog due to lack of information.

This is the reason that due to not being ranked, you are not able to bring visitors i.e. Traffic on your blog. By doing blogging slowly, you will learn more important things like search engine optimization, which will make your Blogging Journey easier and you will gradually rank your blog later.

Before that there are some ways, with the help of which you can bring good traffic to your blog without this information.


10 ways to bring traffic to a new blog


Let me tell you now, 10 ways that you can bring tremendous traffic to your blog.


There are some of these ways, for which you have to learn a lot and there are many ways that you already know, but you have not used them in blogging. You can use these methods to increase Traffic / Visitors on your blog.

So, let’s know “How to bring traffic to new blog?”

1. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

In the first place of this list, I would like to put “Search Engine Optimization” i.e. SEO. Yes! Because search engine optimization is the best and best way, so that you can bring free traffic to your blog.

Now you will ask me what is this search engine optimization? So, let me explain to you in easy language that SEO is a process or a way, by which you rank your blog or website in good position in Google and when If a Visitor searches for a Keyword, your blog appears above. Which brings a lot of good traffic to your blog?

This process “SEO” is a bit difficult and you may not know it in the initial days, then you should learn it slowly. But if you learn SEO once, then you will never ask that “How to bring traffic to your new blog?”


2. How to bring traffic from Guest Post to your blog?

Our second point is how to bring traffic to our new blog through Guest Post? Yes! Guest post.

Now you will ask me what is this guest post? So let me tell you, there are many blogs and websites which are already ranked at a very good position and a lot of people visit their blogs, read. So you can request them through e-mail or any contact details given on their website that I will write a post on your blog and in that post I will give a link to my blog.

What will happen from this is that that blog will also get a post for free and you will also get a redirect link for your blog. By which people will click on it and reach your blog.

But there are also many websites or blogs that charge money to write a guest post on their website. You will have to pay a lot of money for that too, so you search for such blogs on which you can write Free Guest Post and you can take free traffic from there by giving a link.

The most important thing to write a guest post for free is that the post you have to write is very Valuable i.e. very good content. Because if you write a good content, then the owner of that blog will give you a quick Approval. Because the search for good content is not only with the owner of the blog but also with Google.


If you want to write your guest post on a good and famous blog, then you apply Best Template on your blog. This will make your blog look beautiful and will be able to attract other Blog Owner.


3. How to drive traffic to your blog with backlinks?

Our third point is how to bring traffic to our new blog through backlinks? This method is a bit similar to our second number method. So to understand this, let me explain to you what is Backlink?

Although we can know many things about Backlinks, but let me explain you in a few words. Backlink means that another website refers your blog. Means a link to your website on another website or blog, on which someone is clicking and reaching your website or blog, then that link is called Backlink.

There are many websites which are very popular and from there we can take backlinks. Will talk about this in another post. Just now you know that we have to take a link to our website from a famous website, from which people reach our website and from this we can generate very good traffic.


4. Write Interesting Articles | Write compelling text


Our fourth point is how to bring traffic to our new blog through attractive articles?

Yes, writing attractive articles is very important. This point is also important because all the ways that I am going to tell you before it depends heavily on it. If you want to grow a new blog and bring more people to your blog, then you need to write attractive articles on your blog.

Because if you share your post on any social media platform, then people see your title and post images there. If your title is very attractive, then people will click on it.


For example, if you write that “snow fell on this place during summer days”. This is just an example, do not give any wrong information to your blog. But if you write a post like this, people will click on the link of your post as soon as they want to know which place it is ?, where snow is falling even in summer days.


So, you have to write attractive posts in such a way so that people get interested and click on your post and read your post.


5. How to get traffic to blog from Pinterest?


Now we are moving towards social media from here. Now here I would like to put “Pinterest” on the number one list in the social media. Yes!

Our fifth point is that if you have ever searched Google through our new blog how to bring Traffic? through Pinterest, then you must have seen many times that every result that comes in the first page also has articles of Pinterest and that article is not like that Is that Pinterest himself writes. Many bloggers like us post their articles on Pinterest so that traffic can come to their blog from there.


In this way, you can also share your post there by creating your account on Pinterest. The authority of Pinterest is very high, for this reason your post can easily be ranked on the first page.

You must use this method, which can bring good traffic to your blog in the initial days. If you have written a post targeting any such keyword, whose competition is low to medium, then you can easily improve your ranking by posting it on Pinterest with some backlinks.

How do we create our account on interest and post our articles there? We will talk about this in another post.


6. How to bring traffic from Quora to the blog?


Our sixth point is how to bring traffic to our new blog through Quora?

Quora is a huge platform, where many people come and answer each other questions among themselves. Which solves everyone’s problems and they can get their information easily.

You can also use this platform. For example, if you write a post. After that, the title of your post is, when you search it in Quora and if anyone has any query related to it, then you can give your Post Link as an answer there.

7. How to get traffic from Facebook to Blog?

The next best social media platform to bring traffic to a new blog is “Facebook” Yes!

Our seventh point is that through Facebook, we will start our new Blog how to get Traffic?

From Facebook, we can bring Unlimited Traffic to our new blog. There are some methods for this. You never have to post a link to your post on your Main Facebook Profile, very few people will click on your post link. In the same way, people who will be interested in that post will open your post.

It is not possible that everyone in your Facebook Friends is interested in only one thing. So, it is not right to share the link of your post on your main Facebook profile.


There may be another problem in this. Many of your Facebook friends can also say that what are you doing? Have you gone mad? You may have to listen to similar things. In this way, this way of sharing your post link on Facebook is not right.

Then I will now tell you the ways by which you can bring very good traffic to your post. That’s the way “Facebook Groups” Yes!

Join Facebook groups related to your blog. There will be only people who know things related to your blog. There you have to give the link to your blog post. This will happen when you share your post in that Facebook group, then the chances of people clicking there will increase, because most people there want to get information related to your post.

In this way, you can join big groups and from there you can bring very good traffic to your blog.


8. How to bring traffic to blog from WhatsApp?

Our eighth point is that through WhatsApp, we will start our new Blog and how-to bring Traffic? WhatsApp is also a great way to bring traffic to your new blog. You can target people who really want to read your blog post in your Contact List. He can be your friend or a relative.

You share your post link with them on WhatsApp and before sharing, you will know whether they will read the post or not. So, you share your post link to those people who really want to read that post. This will bring traffic to your blog.


Not only your personal contact list, but you can also join many such groups where things related to your blog are posted. By the way, you can also share your Post Link in groups and from there you can get very good traffic on your blog.

Especially if your blog is related to a festival, then WhatsApp plays a very important role “in sending traffic to your blog”. Because people forward a lot of festival related things during the festival time, you can also take advantage of this time with WhatsApp.


9. How to bring traffic to blog from Twitter?

Our ninth point is that through Twitter, we will start our new Blog how to bring Traffic?

Twitter can also bring a lot of good traffic to our blog. I have placed it in ninth place because it is a little difficult.

To bring Traffic / Visitors from Twitter to your blog, you must have good knowledge of Twitter. If you are already a consumer of Twitter, then you will know that if something is viral on Twitter, people retweet it a lot.

If your blog post is on top of a trending topic, then by sharing it on Twitter, you can generate very good traffic on your blog.

But for this you should have a good knowledge of Twitter’s Hashtags and Tagging. With which you will be able to reach your blog to more people.

10. How to get traffic from YouTube to blog?

Our tenth point is that through YouTube we can start our new Blog how to bring Traffic?

This method is quite effective, but it is not possible for everyone to use it.

Because suppose you have a channel on YouTube and you have made a video on it, about which you have written something in your post, then you can also tell your YouTube viewers that I have done a very good post about it is written that you must also read that post.


So, with this you can also take traffic to your blog from YouTube. But this is difficult because for this you must also have knowledge of YouTube. So, I put it in the last place.

If you also have a YouTube channel, you can promote your blog from there, or if a friend or relative also has a YouTube channel, then you can get your blog promoted from there.

I hope that this post will be very helpful in growing your new blog and bringing traffic to your blog and after today you will get “How to bring traffic to new blog?” There will be no need to search.


If you are blogging, want to learn some things related to YouTube or you want some information related to digital marketing, then you can easily learn from this blog.


Nadeem Munir

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