The Young Professional: Career After College

College friendships hold a deeper meaning in my life. It’s the friends who stay up late at night to help you study when all hope is lost. They are the friends who power through, persevere, and provide a light at the end of the tunnel. Raj Shah is that friend. It’s been a while since we have talked, but when I called him, it felt like picking up where we last left off: talking about career goals, ambitions, and work life. Raj Shah is an Assistant on the Display Activation for Carat Agency. He is 26-years old and has only been working there since May 6th, 2019. His drive towards helping clients reach their audience is motivational. Everyone is trying to reach their potential, and listening to Raj Shah can inspire others in the same age range to work hard.

Raj is always the go-getter and diligent. It’s no surprise his career path would reflect his personality. “A friend who worked in the agency recommended me the position. Before that, I was looking for agency roles regarding advertising, ad campaigns, etc.” I imagined a scene from “Mad Men,” but I knew it was nothing remotely like that. An environment like that must be stressful and fast-paced. “When I joined the agency, it was during the 4th quarter, which is the busiest. I participated in multiple campaigns. Being rushed into the job, I almost lost the company $200,000.” When I heard that, my heart skipped a beat; staying calm under pressure is truly impressive in those circumstances. “What I’ve learned is don’t take things too seriously and staying calm. Everything is a learning lesson. Always ask for help. Making mistakes is learning progress, and the earlier you do, the better you are the next time it happens.” Wise words I kept in mind.


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