Freezer Cleaning Time

It was cold today. I actually prefer winter to summer, but today was just bone-chilling cold. But for us hunters, we get over the chill quickly. It is just another glorious day in our hunting season. The only bad thing about this season for all of us is that it eventually has to come to an end. The bright side? Spring Turkey is just around the corner, and in the meantime, the ice is thickening with no snow cover, preparing the way for a long ice fishing season. But back to the matter at hand… I don’t care if your hunt includes waterfowl, deer, small game, or even javalia. If you are a hunter, I know that you are as giddy as ever right about now.

But if you’re like me and use the rest of the year to load up your freezer with Spring turkey or fish, then some of your harvest from last Fall may have worked it’s way to the bottom of your beloved appliance. I tend to let the less desirable cuts fall into this category. So what’s a lover of the outdoors, who would never waste what he procures on his annual quest for his own organic meat to do? Break out Mom’s cookbook of course…

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