Show Of Faith Restoring My Faith

People often say, “I’m spiritual, but not religious.” To be honest, I have no idea what that means. What I do know is that I am neither. I was raised in a very traditional Orthodox Jewish home. We had the Torah in every room. We prayed many times throughout the day. We adhered to halakha and never strayed. Somewhere along the way, I wondered why. I wondered what we knew that others did not. I wondered about Him and if he even existed?

Needless to say, after leaving the faith of my childhood, I’ve never looked back. That is until recently when I deliberately began sifting through the rubble of media to find the morsels of hope. It’s hard to find these stories when we’re inundated with negativy and hate, but seek and ye shall find… or something like that.

This story caught my eye and I had to share.

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