New Thought Christianity

 Hello again, I wanted to share more fully about New Thought Christianity. There are several branches or denominations just as there is in traditional Christianity. Some names are Christian Science , Unity , Religious Science, Divine Science n some other branches came about all back in the beginning of the 1900s` and it began here in America. There were some branches that may have existed in Europe that may have not gotten the attention quite yet it needed.  I myself am going on 54 years old, was raised a Catholic, and came back to traditional Christianity in my 20` s n 30`s. It was a tough road as i came out of the closet at age 15, n after being subjected to tremendous abuse by the evangelical faith, i had enough to do with Religion. I became a drunk and drug addict , and lived through many years of hell on and off. I met my live partner when i was age 24 , 28 years. Ago n. He has been my anchor in life. He was brought up Christian but lost interest in it after he became a drunk. We ended up spending many years on the streets together here in Chicago and while we were partying one night around midnight, my partner went to buy some gum at a store across the street n upon his way back , a car hit him fast and hard. He barely survived and we both gave up alcohol and getting high from that point on. My partner was in the hospital 3 months and in a nursing home after that so I was now on my own on the streets. I got a job as a desk clerk at a dumpy hotel down town in which I lived as well. I stayed sober and found a Christian Science newspaper and some of their magazines that are free and I would read them in my roach infested room at night after work. These articles were very new n foreign to me as. They talked about only goodness and always referred to God as ” Good ” , “Kind “, ” Loving ” , etc. I was surviving but was a broken man still. These magazines began giving me so much hope. I was brought up with the traditional God, that is angry, waiting for Us to screw up so he can punish us etc. I began to want to learn about God again and this kind of Religion. I went to the reading room part of the Church n began asking questions, about life, God , myself. Salvation, Sin, He’ll etc. My partner and I got our 1st 1 room apt , and i attended many branches and learned a great deal, and mostly that God loves us and can heal us of any condition. God can heal our lives and makes us Whole again ,  happy and at peace. I will continue with more on my journey , and i don’t know how to add the nice pics and stuff for these blogs yet as I am new to a tablet which I am using here. Thanks and Blessings to you all. 

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