Dating during Covid-19

Single, dating, lonely?, I am sure at least one of you can fall in those three without a doubt with today’s pandemic, COVID-19 has made it very difficult for the single community to engage with the outside world safely, and protected. We are living in a very scary and unsafe time, where you don’t really know who to trust and who not to trust, so it is especially important as far as dating during the pandemic to do it with caution, and with extra care. Zoom and Duo have become part our daily routine as it is one of the safest to use to use when communicating while respecting social distancing rules. Virtual dating is on the rise and with the uncertainty of when the pandemic will end, it’s always safe to take extra precaution while dating.


Tip #1


Have the COVID talk




While this isn’t the normal opening topic of conversation when dating, is a new level of compatibility added in. Even though it may feel uncomfortable to ask someone that your first meeting these questions about their daily whereabouts in activities, and who they may have been around, you have to keep in mind of exposing yourself to a new partner doesn’t affect just you, it affects the entire family on both sides. Please have the talk.




Tip #2




Start out Virtual


There are many ways to keep your new relationship fun and exciting, while staying safe and protected. Virtual dating is on the rise, with many single people seeking to find companionship. Video chats are making it easy and convenient to get to know someone during the pandemic.


Video Dating:


Zoom, Duo, FaceTime are playing very important roles in our day-to-day. Keeping n in touch with not only family and friends, but also engaging with trying to date. I myself, have personally tried to adjusting to the new way of dating online and virtually. I must say, it’s not the same. When you feel you’re at a comfortable place to actually MEET in person, wear masks, social distance and have fun!




Tip #3


Safe Sex


If and when if gets to that point, practicing safe sex at all times is very important. It is recommended for both parties to be safely tested for everything including COVID-19 before engaging in sex. Keep the line of community open at all times and always wear protection. COVID-19 isn’t the only disease that can spread.




How are you dealing with the pandemic being single?

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