Places to Self-Publish

These days, self-publishing is becoming even more popular, and a lot of people are doing it. You don’t have to go through the querying process and can easily publish with only a few steps. Plus, you get more royalties than you would with a traditional publisher! Finding a place to self-publish can be tricky, which is always why you should take multiple places into account and choose the best one, or sometimes, choose multiple places! 


Some platforms require you to sell exclusively, while others don’t, and some have mixed options. Below are the top places to self-publish in 2020, they’re royalty rate, and much more! 

1. Amazon KDP 

Amazon is the worlds leading ebook store, and the #1 place authors turn to publish their books. KDP is Amazon’s self-publishing platform and is available for all authors to use. If you are under the age of 18 however, a parent or guardian will need to make your account and publish your book for you to comply with their terms of service. They also have a KDP select program, which requires exclusivity. More information can be found about the program here. 

Royalties: 70% for books between $2.99-9.99 and 35% outside of that range and in specific territories. More information is available here.  
Formats available: Paperback and ebook. You must format both yourself or hire someone to do so for you. Formatting guides are available on their website.


2. Barnes and Noble Press
Ever dreamed of getting your book in the Barnes and Noble store? Well, this may be your chance! Barnes and Noble’s self-publishing service is getting very popular as it allows your book into the Barnes and Noble store. Exclusivity is not required either, and their interface is easy to work with. When you publish an ebook, your book becomes available on the NOOK store, and they also offer print books! You can also set your book for free on this platform, unlike Amazon, which only lets you run free promotions if you are in their KDP select program. 

Royalties: 65% on books priced between $2.99 and $9.99 and 40% for books priced below $2.99. Information for print copies and ebooks are available here. 
Formats available: All types of hardback, paperback, and ebook. Detailed formatting guides available upon publishing.

3. Kobo

Rakuten Kobo is a Canadian company and distributes to over 190 countries around the globe. Kobo has a Kobo Plus option as well which is a subscription-based service, and allows you to reach more people. If you publish through Kobo Writing Life without an aggregator, you also have the option to have special promotional opportunities. 

Royalties: 70% on books $2.99 and above, or 45% on books below that threshold. More information here. 
Formats available: Audiobook and ebook


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