Everything You Need to Know On How To Keep Your Home Germ Free

How to safely disinfect your home without expensive cleaners.

Dateline: Creve Coeur, MO. USA

By: Jeffrey L. Klump 10/10/20

News headlines are still full of articles and information on the CoronaVirus(Covid 19). It seems as if this is the only virus out there that people need to be informed about.

Any type of virus, like Corona, which is an upper respiratory illness, can be serious especially if it involves the lungs.

Keeping your home or office free of germs should be important to anyone who doesn’t want to be sick.

Time is not only money, but it is also something you only have a finite amount of during any given day. Who wants to be spending that finite resource in bed with a cold, the flu, or something else, like Coronavirus.

Job layoffs continue across America. Isn’t it time that you were serious about creating another source of income?

So, one of the first things that you can do at home is when you come in from the outside, is to put your shoes in a cardboard box near the door where you came in from. That is something very simple you can do to prevent the spread of germs in your home. Remember, your shoes are on all outside surfaces including in grocery stores, gas stations, and public restrooms. It would be also a good idea to clean the top and bottom of your shoes at least twice a week with some natural botanical household cleaners that we will discuss later.

Your kitchen and bathrooms are by far the two places that will have the most germs because of what we do in those places. An exterminator told me once that bugs, including German roaches, ride into your home and in particular your kitchen, from the grocery store. They can attach themselves to your clothing or shopping bags and most people do not even notice them. Bugs contain germs and are most often found in these two rooms.

The Environmental Protection Agency(EPA) has a list of household cleaners that they say can kill Coronavirus.

One of those products is Pine Sol. Pine Sol has been around a long time. Interesting, however, is that the EPA, on the same site that they approve Pine Sol as a destroyer of Coronavirus, also state that Toluene, which is contained in Pine Sol, is harmful to the human body, including if you inhale it.

You want your family to live in a safe environment. Stop spending money on harmful household cleaners and disinfectants. You want a disinfectant that contains thymol. Thymol is derived from the herb Thyme.  


Toluene is a solvent and neurotoxin. It is used as a gasoline additive and is also used in making paint and paint thinners. Toluene is also a known carcinogen.

Pine Sol and cleaners like it, also contain, ammonium chloride. Ammonium chloride has several side effects including headache, shortness of breath, nausea, and cough, just to name of few.

Then there is bleach. Another household cleaner that many of us grew up on.

Many people are of the mindset that bleach is safe. Bleach is very irritating and corrosive to the skin, lungs, and eyes. As well, it has been known to burn human tissue internally or externally.  On top of this- it may cause skin rash, extreme headaches, migraines, muscle weakness, abdominal discomfort, esophageal perforation, nausea and vomiting. In addition, it can damage the nervous system. People that have a respiratory problem should avoid the use of bleach because it can worsen especially people suffering from asthma and allergies.

Coronavirus is an upper respiratory virus which also affects the lungs, so using a household cleaner with bleach, will only make matters worse, if in fact, you have the virus. Other symptoms may occur such as stinging sensation in the eyes and nose, coughing and breath shortness. Bleach fumes can accumulate and linger in poorly-ventilated homes. Indoor air becomes polluted with toxins, endangering the health of all those who breathe it in.

The EPA has also listed, earlier this year, household cleaners that contain Thymol.

Thymol is getting a lot of attention for different reasons. What is thymol? Thymol is an ingredient derived from the herb Thyme, which most people have heard of if they do any sort of cooking. It is also a component of the botanical essential thyme oil.

Thymol is an anti microbial, anti fungal, anti mycotic, anti inflammatory, and also an anti oxidant.

In 2007, a study was done in Croatia to find out the affects of thymol and essential thyme oil against molds from damp places. Here are the findings from that study. Essential thyme oil possesses a wide range spectrum of fungicidal activity. The vaporous phase of the oil exhibited long lasting suppressive activity on molds in damp dwellings. They went on to say that thymol was three times as strong as the essential oil of thyme in its fungicidal activity. Their final conclusion was that both thymol and essential thyme oil can be used for disinfection of moldy walls in dwellings and in low concentration.

A study in 2016 was conducted in the treatment of a cough in upper respiratory infections like Coronavirus using thymol, essential thyme oil and primrose oil. The conclusion of the study was that the natural extracts from these herbs were comparable to the synthetic drug Ambroxol and no side effects with these natural herbs.

So, does it make any sense to use the household cleaners that have been around for decades that we now know has these harmful chemicals and possibly more? Call me crazy but, if the directions on Pine Sol and Bleach tell you to wear a mask and gloves, why would you be cleaning your homes with it?

There are other inexpensive alternatives. For under $20.00 you can purchase a household cleaner that contains Thymol. The one that I have used for over 2 years is

Sol U Guard from Melaleuca. Sol U Guard also contains citric acid which is also anti microbial and anti fungal. Sol U Guard just happens to be one of the best selling products for Melaleuca because of the Coronavirus.

Everything you need to know on how to keep your home germ free doesn’t have to be complicated or expensive.

Germs will always be here and germs aren’t necessarily a bad thing. Like comedian George Carlin once said, your immune system needs to germs to practice on. That’s true.

It doesn’t however, make much sense in buying the cheaper household cleaners like Pine Sol or Bleach to detoxify your home, when in fact, it will be doing just the opposite.






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