Cucumber Salad (Summer Ain’t Over Yet)

The past few years, I’ve noticed my age a little bit more. And not because I feel old, but because I keep hearing the things my parents used to say. I’m sure part of that is because I am the one uttering the phrases. “We’re not heating the neighborhood.” “Use your head.” “When life gives you lemons, make lemonade” “You’ll shoot your eye out.” “Home, James.” You know… the usual. Except, that I was the one saying these things. Another symptom of my newfound age-awareness is my appreciation for summer growing as my love for winter wanes. Is that not the exact reason why retirees migrate south every year? (Well… at least from where I live.)

This realization came tonight. The kids were all at the brother’s house for a sleepover with their cousins and my husband and I had our first quiet dinner since… well… since I can remember. And, boy oh boy, are dinners easy when it’s just the two of us. My husband grilled up some…

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